Specifies whether the output of certain algorithm is desired in sorted format.
Sorts the random-access range chain(lhs, rhs) according to predicate less.
Checks whether a forward range is sorted according to the comparison operation less. Performs O(r.length) evaluations of less.
Computes an index for r based on the comparison less.
Merge multiple sorted ranges rs with less-than predicate function pred into one single sorted output range containing the sorted union of the elements of inputs.
Permutes range in-place to the next lexicographically greater even permutation.
Permutes range in-place to the next lexicographically greater permutation.
Permutes range into the perm permutation.
Like isSorted, returns true if the given values are ordered according to the comparison operation less. Unlike isSorted, takes values directly instead of structured in a range.
Reorders the random-access range r such that the range r[0 .. mid] is the same as if the entire r were sorted, and leaves the range r[mid .. r.length] in no particular order.
Stores the smallest elements of the two ranges in the left-hand range in sorted order.
Partitions a range in two using the given predicate.
Rearranges elements in r in three adjacent ranges and returns them.
Partitions r around pivot using comparison function less, algorithm akin to Hoare partition.
Alternative sorting method that should be used when comparing keys involves an expensive computation.
Sorts a random-access range according to the predicate less.
Like isSorted, returns true if the given values are ordered according to the comparison operation less. Unlike isSorted, takes values directly instead of structured in a range.
Reorders the range r using swap such that r[nth] refers to the element that would fall there if the range were fully sorted.
Stores the smallest elements of the two ranges in the left-hand range.
Copies the top n elements of the input range source into the random-access range target, where n = target.length.
Given a range of elements, constructs an index of its top n elements (i.e., the first n elements if the range were sorted).
This is a submodule of std.algorithm. It contains generic sorting algorithms.