1 module memutils.vector;
3 import std.traits : ForeachType, isNumeric, isSomeString, hasElaborateDestructor, isPointer, hasIndirections;
4 import std.range : popFront, front, ElementEncodingType, empty, isInputRange, isForwardRange, isRandomAccessRange, ElementType, refRange, RefRange, hasLength;
6 import memutils.allocators;
7 import memutils.helpers;
8 import memutils.utils;
9 import memutils.refcounted;
11 @trusted:
12 template isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy(From, To)
13 {
14     enum bool isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy = is(typeof({
15         void fun(ref From v)
16         {
17             void gun(To) {}
18             gun(v);
19         }
20     }));
21 }
24 template Array(T, ALLOC = ThreadMem) 
25 {
26 	alias Array = RefCounted!(Vector!(T, ALLOC), ALLOC);
27 }
29 // TODO: Remove implicit string casting for Vector!ubyte! Encourage use of Vector!char [].idup instead.
31 /// An array that uses a custom allocator.
33 struct Vector(T, ALLOC = ThreadMem)
34 {	
35 nothrow:
36 	enum NOGC = true;
37 	static enum TSize = T.sizeof;
39 	void opAssign()(ref T[] other) {
40 		this[] = other[];
41 	}
43 	// Payload cannot be copied
44 	private struct Payload
45 	{
46 		nothrow:
47 		size_t _capacity;
48 		T* _payload;
49 		size_t _length;
51 		// Convenience constructor
52 		this()(auto ref T[] p) 
53 		{ 
54 			if (p.length == 0) return;
56 			length = p.length;
58 			static if (isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(T, T)) {
59 				if (_payload is p.ptr && _length == p.length) {
60 					if (!__ctfe) p = null;
61 				}
62 				else {
63 					foreach (i, ref item; _payload[0 .. _length]) {
64 						item = p[i];
65 					}
66 				}
67 			}
68 			else
69 			{
70 				foreach (i, ref item; _payload[0 .. _length]) {
71 					item = p[i];
72 				}
73 			}
74 		}
76 		// Destructor releases array memory
77 		~this() const nothrow
78 		{
79 			if (__ctfe) {
80 				return;
81 			} else {
82 			//try {
83 				if (_capacity == 0 || _payload is null)
84 					return;
85 				T[] data = cast(T[]) _payload[0 .. _capacity];
86 				freeArray!(T, ALLOC)(data, _length); // calls destructors and frees memory
87 			//} 
88 			//catch (Throwable e) { assert(false, "Vector.~this Exception: " ~ e.toString()); }
89 			}
90 		}
92 		void opAssign(Payload rhs)
93 		{
94 			assert(false);
95 		}
97 		// Duplicate data
98 		// @property Payload dup()
99 		// {
100 		//     Payload result;
101 		//     result._payload = _payload.dup;
102 		//     // Conservatively assume initial capacity == length
103 		//     result._capacity = result._length;
104 		//     return result;
105 		// }
107 		// length
108 		@property size_t length() const
109 		{
110 			return _length;
111 		}
113 		// length
114 		@property void length(size_t newLength)
115 		{
116 			logInfo("Set length: ", newLength);
117 			if (length > 0 && length >= newLength)
118 			{
119 				// shorten
120 				static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T) {
121 					foreach (ref e; _payload[newLength .. _length]) {
122 						static if (is(T == struct) && !isPointer!T) { // call destructors but not for indirections...
123 							logTrace("Destructing Vector item(s) ", T.stringof, " for newLength ", newLength);
124 							destructRecurse(e);
125 						}
126 					}
128 					// Zero out unused capacity to prevent gc from seeing
129 					// false pointers
130 					if (!__ctfe) memset(_payload + newLength, 0, (_length - newLength) * TSize);
131 				}
132 				_length = newLength;
133 				assert(_length == newLength, "Bad length attribution");
134 				return;
135 			}
137 			if (newLength > 0) {
138 				// enlarge
139 				auto startEmplace = length;
140 				reserve(newLength);
141 				_length = newLength;
142 				assert(_length == newLength, "Bad length attribution");
143 				if (!__ctfe) {
144 					static if (!isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(T, T)) {					
145 						foreach (size_t i; startEmplace .. newLength) {
146 							T t = T();
147 							memmove(_payload + i, &t, TSize); 
148 						}
150 					} else {
151 						initializeAll(_payload[startEmplace .. newLength]);
152 					}
153 				}
154 			}
155 		}
157 		// capacity
158 		@property size_t capacity() const
159 		{
160 			return _capacity;
161 		}
163 		// reserve
164 		void reserve(size_t elements)
165 		{
166 			if (elements <= capacity) return;
167 			// TODO: allow vector to become smaller?
169 			logTrace("Reserve ", length, " => ", elements, " elements with capacity ", capacity);
171 			if (_capacity > 0) {
172 				size_t len = _length;
173 				_payload = reallocArray!(T, ALLOC)(_payload[0 .. _capacity], elements)[0 .. len].ptr;
174 			}
175 			else if (elements > 0) {
176 				size_t len = _length;
177 				_payload = allocArray!(T, ALLOC)(elements)[0 .. len].ptr;
178 			}
179 			_capacity = elements;
180 		}
182 		static if (is(T == char))
183 		pragma(inline, true) size_t pushBack(Stuff)(Stuff stuff) 
184 			if (is(Stuff == char[]) || is(Stuff == string))
185 		{
186 			logTrace("Vector.append @disabled this(this)");
187 			if (_capacity <= length + stuff.length)
188 			{
189 				reserve(1 + (length + stuff.length) * 3 / 2);
190 			}
191 			assert(capacity >= length + stuff.length && _payload);
193 			if (__ctfe) {
194 				assert(__ctfe);
195 				_length += stuff.length;
196 				_payload[_length - stuff.length .. _length] = stuff[0 .. stuff.length];
197 			} else {
198 				memmove(_payload + _length, stuff.ptr, stuff.length);
199 				_length += stuff.length;
200 			}
202 			return 1;
203 		}
205 		pragma(inline, true) size_t pushBack(Stuff)(auto ref Stuff stuff)
206 			if (!isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(T, T) && is(T == Stuff))
207 		{
208 			logTrace("Vector.append @disabled this(this)");
209 			if (_capacity == length)
210 			{
211 				reserve(1 + capacity * 3 / 2);
212 			}
213 			assert(capacity > length && _payload);
214 			_length += 1;
215 			_payload[_length - 1] = cast(T)stuff;
217 			return 1;
218 		}
220 		// Insert one item
221 		pragma(inline, true) size_t pushBack(Stuff)(auto ref Stuff stuff)
222 			if (isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(T, T) && isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(Stuff, T))
223 		{
224 			logTrace("Vector.append");
225 			//logTrace("Capacity: ", _capacity, " length: ", length);
226 			if (_capacity == length)
227 			{
228 				reserve(1 + capacity * 3 / 2);
229 			}
230 			assert(capacity > length && _payload, "Payload pointer capacity is wrong");
231 			//emplace(_payload.ptr + _length, stuff);
232 			_length += 1;
233 			_payload[_length - 1] = stuff;
234 			return 1;
235 		}
237 		/// Insert a range of items
238 		pragma(inline, true) size_t pushBack(Stuff)(auto ref Stuff stuff)
239 			if (isInputRange!Stuff && (isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(ElementType!Stuff, T) || is(T == ElementType!Stuff)))
240 		{
241 			logTrace("Vector.append 2");
242 			static if (hasLength!Stuff)
243 			{
244 				immutable oldLength = length;
245 				reserve(oldLength + stuff.length);
246 			}
247 			size_t result;
248 			foreach (ref item; stuff)
249 			{
250 				pushBack(item);
251 				++result;
252 			}
253 			static if (hasLength!Stuff)
254 			{
255 				assert(length == oldLength + stuff.length);
256 			}
257 			return result;
258 		}
259 	}
261 	private alias Data = Payload;
262 	private Data _data;
264 	this(size_t elms) {
265 		resize(elms);
266 	}
268 	/**
269         Constructor taking a number of items
270      */
271 	this(U)(U[] values...)
272 		if (isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(U, T))
273 	{
274 		// TODO: This doesn't work with refcounted
275 		_data = Data(cast(T[])values);
276 	}
278 	/**
279         Constructor taking an input range
280      */
281 	this(Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
282 		if (isInputRange!Stuff && isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(UnConst!(ElementType!Stuff), T) && !is(Stuff == T[]))
283 	{
284 		insertBack(stuff);
285 	}
287 	/**
288 	 * Move Constructor
289 	*/
290 	this()(auto ref typeof(this) other) {
291 		if (__ctfe) return;
292 		if (this.ptr !is other.ptr)
293 			this.swap(other);
294 		else {
295 			typeof(this) ini;
296 			other.swap(ini);
297 		}
298 	}
300 	void swap(ref Vector!(T, ALLOC) other) {
301 		import std.algorithm : swap;
303 		Vector!(T, ALLOC) vec = Vector!(T, ALLOC)(length);
304 		// swap each element with a duplicate
305 		foreach (size_t i, ref el; _data._payload[0 .. _data._length]) {
306 			T t = el;
307 			memmove(vec._data._payload + i, &t, TSize);
308 			memset(&t, 0, TSize);
309 		}
310 		this.swap(cast(T[])other[]);
311 		other.swap(cast(T[])vec[]);
313 		foreach (size_t i, ref el; vec._data._payload[0 .. _data._length]) {
314 			memset(vec._data._payload + i, 0, TSize);
315 		}
316 		vec._data._length = 0;
317 	}
319 	void swap(T[] other) {
320 		this[] = other;
321 	}
322 	/**
323         Duplicates the container. The elements themselves are not transitively
324         duplicated.
326         Complexity: $(BIGOH n).
327      */
328 	@property Vector!(T, ALLOC) dup() const
329 	{
330 		static if (__traits(compiles, { T a; T b; a = b; } ())) {
331 			auto ret = Vector!(T, ALLOC)(cast(T[])_data._payload[0 .. _data._length]);
332 			return ret.move;
333 		}
334 		else static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "dup")) // Element is @disable this(this) but has dup()
335 		{
336 			Vector!(T, ALLOC) vec = Vector!(T, ALLOC)(length);
337 			// swap each element with a duplicate
338 			foreach (size_t i, ref el; _data._payload[0 .. _data._length]) {
339 				T t = el.dup;
340 				memmove(vec._data._payload + i, &t, TSize);
341 				memset(&t, 0, TSize);
342 			}
343 			return vec.move();
344 		} else {
345 			static assert(false, "Cannot dup() the element" ~ T.stringof);
346 		}
347 	}
349 	/// ditto
350 	@property RefCounted!(Vector!(T, ALLOC), ThreadMem) dupr() const
351 	{
352 		return RefCounted!(Vector!(T, ALLOC), ThreadMem)(cast(T[])_data._payload[0 .. _data._length]);
353 	}
355 	@property Vector!(T, ALLOC) move() {
356 		return Vector!(T, ALLOC)(this);
357 	}
359 	/**
360         Property returning $(D true) if and only if the container has no
361         elements.
363         Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
364      */
365 	@property bool empty() const
366 	{
367 		return !_data._payload[0 .. _data._length] || _data._payload[0 .. _data._length].empty;
368 	}
370 	/**
371         Returns the number of elements in the container.
373         Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
374      */
375 	@property size_t length() const
376 	{
377 		return _data._length;
378 	}
380 	/// ditto
381 	size_t opDollar() const
382 	{
383 		return length;
384 	}
386 	@property T* ptr() inout {
387 		return cast(T*) _data._payload;
388 	}
390 	@property T* end() inout {
391 		return this.ptr + this.length;
392 	}
394 	/**
395         Returns the maximum number of elements the container can store without
396            (a) allocating memory, (b) invalidating iterators upon insertion.
398         Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
399      */
400 	@property size_t capacity() const
401 	{
402 		return _data._capacity;
403 	}
405 	/*
406 	@property auto range() {
407 		return refRange(&_data._payload);
408 	}
409 	*/
411 	/**
412         Ensures sufficient capacity to accommodate $(D e) elements.
414         Postcondition: $(D capacity >= e)
416         Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
417      */
418 	void reserve(size_t elements)
419 	{
420 		_data.reserve(elements);
421 	}
423 	/**
424         Returns an array that can be translated to a range using ($D refRange).
426         Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
427      */
428 	auto opSlice() inout @trusted
429 	{
430 		static if (is(T[] == char[]))
431 			return cast(string) _data._payload[0 .. _data._length];
432 		else
433 			return _data._payload[0 .. _data._length];
434 	}
436 	/**
437         Returns an array of the container from index $(D a) up to (excluding) index $(D b).
439         Precondition: $(D a <= b && b <= length)
441         Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
442      */
443 	T[] opSlice(size_t i, size_t j) const
444 	{
445 		logTrace("Slicing Vector i=", i, ", j=", j);
446 		assert(!(i > j || j > length), "invalid opslice attempt");
447 		static if (isPointer!T) {
448 			return cast() (&(cast()&(cast()**_data._payload)))[i .. j];
449 		} else return cast() (&(cast()*_data._payload))[i .. j];
450 	}
452 	/**
453         Forward to $(D opSlice().front) and $(D opSlice().back), respectively.
455         Precondition: $(D !empty)
457         Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
458      */
459 	@property ref T front()
460 	{
461 		return _data._payload[0];
462 	}
464 	/// ditto
465 	@property ref T back()
466 	{
467 		return _data._payload[length - 1];
468 	}
470 	/**
471         Indexing operators yield or modify the value at a specified index.
473         Precondition: $(D i < length)
475         Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
476      */	
477 	ref T opIndex(size_t i) const
478 	{
479 		if (__ctfe) {
480 			assert(__ctfe);
481 			static if (isPointer!T) {
482 				return &cast()*_data._payload[i];
483 			} else
485 			return cast()_data._payload[i];
486 		}
487 		else return *cast(T*)&_data._payload[i];
488 	}
490 	ref T getRef(size_t i) 
491 	{
492 		if (__ctfe) {
493 			assert(__ctfe);
494 			return _data._payload[i];
495 		}
496 		else return _data._payload[i];
497 	}
500 	void opIndexAssign(U)(auto ref U val, size_t i)
501 	{
502 		static enum USize = U.sizeof;
503 		static if (__traits(compiles, {_data._payload[i] = cast(T) val; }()))
504 			_data._payload[i] = cast(T) val;
505 		else { // swap
506 			memmove(_data._payload + i, &val, USize);
507 			memset(&val, 0, USize);
508 		}
509 	}
510 	/**
511         Slicing operations execute an operation on an entire slice.
513         Precondition: $(D i < j && j < length)
515         Complexity: $(BIGOH slice.length)
516      */
517 	void opSliceAssign(Stuff)(auto ref Stuff value)
518 	{
519 		/*static if (isRandomAccessRange!Stuff)
520 		{
521 			_data.length = value.length;
522 			foreach (i, ref item; value){
523 				_data._payload[i] = item;
524 			}
525 		} else */static if (is(UnConst!Stuff == Vector!(T, ALLOC))) {
526 			_data.length = value._data.length;
528 			foreach (i, ref item; value._data._payload[0 .. value._data._length]){
529 				_data._payload[i] = item;
530 			}
531 		}
532 		else static if (is(T[] == UnConst!Stuff) || isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(T, ElementType!Stuff) || (is(T == char) && is(Stuff == string))) {
533 			_data.length = value.length;
534 			if (__ctfe) {
535 				assert(__ctfe);
536 				if (value.ptr != _data._payload)
537 					_data._payload[0 .. value.length] = value[0 .. $];
538 			} else {
539 				foreach (i, ref item; cast(T[])value){
540 					_data._payload[i] = item;
541 				}
542 			}
543 		} else static assert(false, "Can't convert " ~ Stuff.stringof ~ " to " ~ T.stringof ~ "[]");
544 	}
546 	/// ditto
547 	void opSliceAssign(Stuff)(Stuff value, size_t i, size_t j)
548 	{
549 		auto slice = _data._payload[0 .. _data._length];
550 		slice[i .. j] = value;
551 	}
553 	/// ditto
554 	void opSliceUnary(string op)()
555 		if(op == "++" || op == "--")
556 	{
557 		mixin(op~"_data._payload[];");
558 	}
560 	/// ditto
561 	void opSliceUnary(string op)(size_t i, size_t j)
562 		if(op == "++" || op == "--")
563 	{
564 		mixin(op~"slice[i .. j];");
565 	}
567 	/// ditto
568 	void opSliceOpAssign(string op)(T value)
569 	{
570 		mixin("_data._payload[] "~op~"= value;");
571 	}
573 	/// ditto
574 	void opSliceOpAssign(string op)(T value, size_t i, size_t j)
575 	{
576 		mixin("slice[i .. j] "~op~"= value;");
577 	}
579 	/**
580         Returns a new container that's the concatenation of $(D this) and its
581         argument. $(D opBinaryRight) is only defined if $(D Stuff) does not
582         define $(D opBinary).
584         Complexity: $(BIGOH n + m), where m is the number of elements in $(D
585         stuff)
586      */
587 	auto opBinary(string op, Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
588 		if (op == "~")
589 	{
590 		logTrace("Appending stuff");
591 		Vector!(T, ALLOC) result;
592 		// @@@BUG@@ result ~= this[] doesn't work
593 		result ~= this[];
594 		assert(result.length == length);
595 		static if (__traits(compiles, stuff[]))
596 			result ~= stuff[];
597 		else
598 			result ~= stuff;
599 		return result.move();
600 	}
602 	void opOpAssign(string op, U)(auto ref U input)
603 		if (op == "^")
604 	{
605 		if (this.length < input.length)
606 			this.resize(input.length);
608 		pure static void xorBuf(T)(T* output, const(T)* input, size_t length)
609 		{
610 			while (length >= 8)
611 			{
612 				output[0 .. 8] ^= input[0 .. 8];
614 				output += 8; input += 8; length -= 8;
615 			}
617 			output[0 .. length] ^= input[0 .. length];
618 		}
620 		xorBuf(this.ptr, input.ptr, input.length);
621 	}
623 	/**
624         Forwards to $(D pushBack(stuff)).
625      */
626 	void opOpAssign(string op, Stuff)(auto ref Stuff stuff)
627 		if (op == "~")
628 	{
629 		static if (is (Stuff == typeof(this))) {
630 			insertBack(cast(T[]) stuff[]);
631 		}
632 		else
633 		{
634 			insertBack(stuff);
635 		}
636 	}
638 	/**
639         Removes all contents from the container. The container decides how $(D
640         capacity) is affected.
642         Postcondition: $(D empty)
644         Complexity: $(BIGOH n)
645      */
646 	void clear()
647 	{
648 		logTrace("Vector.clear()");
649 		_data.length = 0;
650 	}
653 	/**
654         Sets the number of elements in the container to $(D newSize). If $(D
655         newSize) is greater than $(D length), the added elements are added to
656         unspecified positions in the container and initialized with $(D
657         T.init).
659         Complexity: $(BIGOH abs(n - newLength))
661         Postcondition: $(D length == newLength)
662      */
663 	@property void length(size_t newLength)
664 	{
665 		_data.length = newLength;
666 	}
668 	void resize(size_t newLength)
669 	{
670 		logInfo("Resize to ", newLength);
671 		this.length = newLength;
672 	}
675 	int opCmp(Alloc)(auto const ref Vector!(T, Alloc) other) const 
676 	{
677 		if (this[] == other[])
678 			return 0;
679 		else if (this[] < other[])
680 			return -1;
681 		else
682 			return 0;
683 	}
684 	size_t pushBack(Stuff...)(Stuff stuff) 
685 		if (!isNumeric!Stuff || !is ( T == ubyte ))
686 	{
687 		return insertBack(stuff);
688 	}
690 	size_t pushBack(Stuff...)(Stuff stuff) 
691 		if (isNumeric!Stuff && is(T == ubyte))
692 	{
693 		return insertBack(cast(T) stuff);
694 	}
696 	size_t insert(Stuff...)(Stuff stuff) {
697 		return insertBack(stuff);
698 	}
700 	/**
701         Inserts $(D value) to the front or back of the container. $(D stuff)
702         can be a value convertible to $(D T) or a range of objects convertible
703         to $(D T). The stable version behaves the same, but guarantees that
704         ranges iterating over the container are never invalidated.
706         Returns: The number of elements inserted
708         Complexity: $(BIGOH m * log(n)), where $(D m) is the number of
709         elements in $(D stuff)
710     */
711 	size_t insertBack(Stuff)(auto ref Stuff stuff)
712 	{
713 		static if (isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(Stuff, T[]))
714 			return _data.pushBack(cast(T[])stuff);
715 		else static if (isSomeString!(Stuff) && !isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(Stuff, T)) {
716 			return _data.pushBack(cast(T[])stuff);
717 		}
718 		else static if (isSomeString!(Stuff) && isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(Stuff, T)) {
719 			return _data.pushBack(cast(T)stuff);
720 		}
721 		else static if (isInputRange!(Stuff) && isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(ForeachType!Stuff, T)) {
722 			return _data.pushBack(stuff);
723 		}
724 		else
725 			return _data.pushBack(cast(T) stuff);
726 	}
728 	/**
729         Removes the value at the back of the container. The stable version
730         behaves the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the
731         container are never invalidated.
733         Precondition: $(D !empty)
735         Complexity: $(BIGOH log(n)).
736     */
737 	void removeBack()
738 	{
739 		assert(!empty);
740 		static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
741 			destructRecurse(_data._payload[_data._length - 1]);
742 		if (__ctfe) {
743 			assert(__ctfe);
744 			_data._payload[_data._length - 1] = T.init;
745 		} else memset(_data._payload + _data._length - 1, 0, TSize);
746 		_data._length -= 1;
747 	}
749 	@trusted
750 	void removeFront() { 
752 		assert(!empty);
753 		static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
754 			destructRecurse(_data._payload[0]);
756 		if (_data._length > 1) {
757 			if (__ctfe) {
758 				assert(__ctfe);
759 				_data._payload[0 .. _data._length-1] = _data._payload[1 .. _data._length];
760 				_data._payload[_data._length-1] = T.init;
761 			} else {
762 				memmove(_data._payload, _data._payload + 1, TSize * (_data._length - 1));
763 				memset(_data._payload + _data._length - 1, 0, TSize);
764 			}
765 		}
766 		_data._length -= 1;
767 	}
769 	/**
770         Removes $(D howMany) values at the front or back of the
771         container. Unlike the unparameterized versions above, these functions
772         do not throw if they could not remove $(D howMany) elements. Instead,
773         if $(D howMany > n), all elements are removed. The returned value is
774         the effective number of elements removed. The stable version behaves
775         the same, but guarantees that ranges iterating over the container are
776         never invalidated.
778         Returns: The number of elements removed
780         Complexity: $(BIGOH howMany).
781     */
782 	size_t removeBack(size_t howMany)
783 	{
784 		if (howMany > length) howMany = length;
785 		static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
786 			foreach (ref e; _data._payload[_data._length - howMany .. _data._length])
787 				destructRecurse(e);
788 		memset(_data._payload + _data._length - howMany, 0, howMany*TSize);
789 		_data._length -= howMany;
790 		return howMany;
791 	}
793 	/**
794         Inserts $(D stuff) before position i.
796         Returns: The number of values inserted.
798         Complexity: $(BIGOH n + m), where $(D m) is the length of $(D stuff)
799      */
800 	void insertBefore(Stuff)(size_t i, Stuff stuff)
801 		if (isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(Stuff, T))
802 	{
803 		assert(i <= length);
804 		reserve(length + 1);
806 		// Move elements over by one slot
807 		memmove(_data._payload + i + 1,
808 				_data._payload + i,
809 				TSize * (length - i));
810 		//emplace(_data._payload.ptr + i, stuff);
811 		T* slot = _data._payload + i;
812 		*slot = stuff;
813 		_data._length += 1;
814 	}
816 	/// ditto
817 	size_t insertBefore(Stuff)(size_t i, Stuff stuff)
818 		if (isInputRange!Stuff && isImplicitlyConvertibleLegacy!(ElementType!Stuff, T))
819 	{
820 		assert(i <= length);
821 		static if (isForwardRange!Stuff)
822 		{
823 			// Can find the length in advance
824 			auto extra = walkLength(stuff);
825 			if (!extra) return 0;
826 			reserve(length + extra);
827 			// Move elements over by extra slots
828 			memmove(_data._payload + i + extra,
829 				_data._payload + i,
830 				TSize * (length - i));
831 			foreach (p; _data._payload + i ..
832 				_data._payload + i + extra)
833 			{
834 				*p = stuff.front;
835 				//emplace(p, stuff.front);
836 				stuff.popFront();
837 			}
838 			_data._length += extra;
839 			return extra;
840 		}
841 		else
842 		{
843 			assert(_data);
844 			immutable offset = i;
845 			assert(offset <= length);
846 			auto result = pushBack(stuff);
847 			bringToFront(this[offset .. length - result],
848 						 this[length - result .. length]);
849 			return result;
850 		}
851 	}
853 	/// ditto
854 	size_t insertAfter(Stuff)(size_t i, Stuff stuff)
855 	{
856 		assert(r._outer._data is _data);
857 		// TODO: optimize
858 		immutable offset = i;
859 		assert(offset <= length);
860 		auto result = pushBack(stuff);
861 		bringToFront(this[offset .. length - result],
862 					 this[length - result .. length]);
863 		return result;
864 	}
866 	bool opEquals()(auto const ref Vector!(T, ALLOC) other_) const {
867 		if (other_.empty && empty())
868 			return true;
869 		else if (other_.empty)
870 			return false;
871 		if (other_.length != length)
872 			return false;
874 		return _data._payload[0 .. length] == other_._data._payload[0 .. length];
875 	}
877 	bool opEquals()(auto const ref T[] other) {
878 		logTrace("other: ", other, " this: ", _data._payload);
879 		return other == _data._payload[0 .. _data._length];
880 	}
882 }
884 auto array(T)(T[] val) 
885 {
886 	return Array!(Unqual!T)(val);
887 }
889 auto vector(T)(T[] val)
890 {
891 	return Vector!(Unqual!T)(val);
892 }