1 module memutils.constants;
3 import std.traits : isNumeric;
5 void function(string) nothrow @safe writeln;
6 char[]function(long) nothrow @safe parseInt;
7 package:
9 enum
10 { // overhead allocator definitions, lazily loaded
11 	NativeGC = 0x01, // instances are freed automatically when no references exist in the program's threads
12 	LocklessFreeList = 0x02, // instances are owned by the creating thread thus must be freed by it
13 	CryptoSafe = 0x03, // Same as above, but zeroise is called upon freeing
14 }
16 enum Mallocator = 0x05; // For use by the DebugAllocator.
17 enum Ctfe = 0x06;
18 const LogLevel = Error;
19 version (DictionaryDebugger)
20 	const HasDictionaryDebugger = true;
21 else
22 	const HasDictionaryDebugger = false;
23 version (EnableDebugger)
24 	const HasDebuggerEnabled = true;
25 else
26 	const HasDebuggerEnabled = false;
27 version (DisableDebugger)
28 	const DisableDebugAllocations = true;
29 else version (VibeNoDebug)
30 	const DisableDebugAllocations = true;
31 else
32 	const DisableDebugAllocations = false;
33 	public:
34 	static if (HasDebuggerEnabled && !DisableDebugAllocations)
35 	const HasDebugAllocations = true;
36 else static if (!DisableDebugAllocations)
37 	const HasDebugAllocations = true;
38 else
39 	const HasDebugAllocations = false;
40 package:
41 version (SkipMemutilsTests)
42 	const SkipUnitTests = true;
43 else
44 	const SkipUnitTests = false;
46 enum
47 { // LogLevel
48 	Trace,
49 	Info,
50 	Debug,
51 	Error,
52 	None
53 }
54 nothrow:
56 string charFromInt = "0123456789";
57 __gshared bool recursing = true;
59 void logTrace(ARGS...)(ARGS args)
60 {
61 	static if (LogLevel <= Trace)
62 	{
63 		if (recursing)
64 			return;
65 		recursing = true;
66 		scope (exit)
67 			recursing = false;
68 		import memutils.vector;
70 		Vector!char app = Vector!char();
71 		app.reserve(32);
72 		foreach (arg; args)
73 		{
74 			static if (isNumeric!(typeof(arg)))
75 				app ~= parseInt(cast(long) arg);
76 			else
77 				app ~= arg;
78 		}
79 		version (WebAssembly)
80 			writeln(cast(string) app[]);
81 		version (unittest)
82 		{
83 			import std.stdio : writeln;
85 			writeln(cast(string) app[]);
86 		}
87 	}
88 }
90 void logInfo(ARGS...)(ARGS args)
91 {
92 	static if (LogLevel <= Info)
93 	{
94 		if (recursing)
95 			return;
96 		recursing = true;
97 		scope (exit)
98 			recursing = false;
99 		import memutils.vector;
101 		Vector!char app = Vector!char();
102 		app.reserve(32);
103 		foreach (arg; args)
104 		{
105 			static if (isNumeric!(typeof(arg)))
106 				app ~= parseInt(cast(long) arg);
107 			else
108 				app ~= arg;
109 		}
110 		version (WebAssembly)
111 			writeln(cast(string) app[]);
112 		version (unittest)
113 		{
114 			import std.stdio : writeln;
116 			writeln(cast(string) app[]);
117 		}
118 	}
119 }
121 void logDebug(ARGS...)(ARGS args)
122 {
124 	static if (LogLevel <= Debug)
125 	{
126 		if (recursing)
127 			return;
128 		recursing = true;
129 		scope (exit)
130 			recursing = false;
131 		import memutils.vector;
133 		Vector!char app = Vector!char();
134 		app.reserve(32);
135 		foreach (arg; args)
136 		{
137 			static if (isNumeric!(typeof(arg)))
138 				app ~= parseInt(cast(long) arg);
139 			else
140 				app ~= arg;
141 		}
143 		version (WebAssembly)
144 			writeln(cast(string) app[]);
145 		version (unittest)
146 		{
147 			import std.stdio : writeln;
149 			writeln(cast(string) app[]);
150 		}
151 	}
152 }
154 void logError(ARGS...)(ARGS args)
155 {
156 	static if (LogLevel <= Error)
157 	{
158 		if (recursing)
159 			return;
160 		recursing = true;
161 		scope (exit)
162 			recursing = false;
163 		import memutils.vector;
165 		Vector!char app = Vector!char();
166 		app.reserve(32);
167 		foreach (arg; args)
168 		{
169 			static if (isNumeric!(typeof(arg)))
170 				app ~= parseInt(cast(long) arg);
171 			else
172 				app ~= arg;
173 		}
174 		version (WebAssembly)
175 			writeln(cast(string) app[]);
176 		version (unittest)
177 		{
178 			import std.stdio : writeln;
180 			writeln("Error: ");
181 			writeln(cast(string) app[]);
182 			assert(0);
183 		}
184 	}
185 }