
Meant for expert use. Overrides the default calling convention. The supported names for calling conventions depends on the target. If specified multiple times, the last applied UDA is used. The calling convention is not part of the type of the function, which means that this attribute cannot be used in combination with function pointers (the function referenced by a function pointer will be called using the default calling convention). Semantic analysis does NOT (yet?) check for correctness. For example when this is applied to a class function, it is up to the user to ensure that the base function and all overrides (in child classes) have the same calling convention applied.

Example (for X86):

import ldc.attributes;

@callingConvention("vectorcall"): // all functions in scope get this UDA

int vector_call_convention() { return 42; }

@callingConvention("default") // overrides the first UDA
int func_with_default_calling_convention() { return 1; }
struct callingConvention {}



string convention;
Undocumented in source.
