
The exception module defines all system-level exceptions and provides a mechanism to alter system-level error handling.



alias onOutOfMemoryErrorNoGC = onOutOfMemoryError
Undocumented in source.


class ArrayIndexError

Thrown when an out of bounds array index is accessed.

class ArraySliceError

Thrown when an out of bounds array slice is created

class AssertError

Thrown on an assert error.

class FinalizeError

Thrown on finalize error.

class ForkError

Thrown on a configuration error.

class InvalidMemoryOperationError

Thrown on an invalid memory operation.

class OutOfMemoryError

Thrown on an out of memory error.

class RangeError

Thrown on a range error.

class SuppressTraceInfo
Undocumented in source.
class SwitchError

Thrown on a switch error.

class UnicodeException

Thrown on a unicode conversion error.


void __switch_errorT(string file, size_t line)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void _d_arraybounds(string file, uint line)

Called when an invalid array index/slice or associative array key is accessed

void _d_arraybounds_index(string file, uint line, size_t index, size_t length)

Called when an out of range array index is accessed

void _d_arraybounds_indexp(immutable(char*) file, uint line, size_t index, size_t length)

Called when an out of range array index is accessed

void _d_arraybounds_slice(string file, uint line, size_t lower, size_t upper, size_t length)

Called when an out of range slice of an array is created

void _d_arraybounds_slicep(immutable(char*) file, uint line, size_t lower, size_t upper, size_t length)

Called when an out of range slice of an array is created

void _d_arrayboundsp(immutable(char*) file, uint line)

Called when an invalid array index/slice or associative array key is accessed

void _d_assert(string file, uint line)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void _d_assert_msg(string msg, string file, uint line)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void _d_assertp(immutable(char)* file, uint line)

Function calls to these are generated by the compiler and inserted into the object code.

void _d_unittest(string file, uint line)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void _d_unittest_msg(string msg, string file, uint line)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void _d_unittestp(immutable(char)* file, uint line)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
noreturn onArrayIndexError(size_t index, size_t length, string file, size_t line)

A callback for array index out of bounds errors in D.

noreturn onArraySliceError(size_t lower, size_t upper, size_t length, string file, size_t line)

A callback for array slice out of bounds errors in D.

void onAssertError(string file, size_t line)

A callback for assert errors in D. The user-supplied assert handler will be called if one has been supplied, otherwise an AssertError will be thrown.

void onAssertErrorMsg(string file, size_t line, string msg)

* A callback for assert errors in D. The user-supplied assert handler will * be called if one has been supplied, otherwise an AssertError will be * thrown. * * Params: * file = The name of the file that signaled this error. * line = The line number on which this error occurred. * msg = An error message supplied by the user. //

noreturn onFinalizeError(TypeInfo info, Throwable e, string file, size_t line)

A callback for finalize errors in D. A FinalizeError will be thrown.

noreturn onForkError(string file, size_t line)

A callback for errors in the case of a failed fork in D. A ForkError will be thrown.

noreturn onInvalidMemoryOperationError(void* pretend_sideffect)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
noreturn onInvalidMemoryOperationError(void* pretend_sideffect)

A callback for invalid memory operations in D. An InvalidMemoryOperationError will be thrown.

noreturn onOutOfMemoryError(void* pretend_sideffect)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
noreturn onOutOfMemoryError(void* pretend_sideffect)

A callback for out of memory errors in D. An OutOfMemoryError will be thrown.

noreturn onOutOfMemoryErrorNoGC()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
noreturn onRangeError(string file, size_t line)

A callback for general array bounds errors in D. A RangeError will be thrown.

noreturn onUnicodeError(string msg, size_t idx, string file, size_t line)

A callback for unicode errors in D. A UnicodeException will be thrown.

void onUnittestErrorMsg(string file, size_t line, string msg)

A callback for unittest errors in D. The user-supplied unittest handler will be called if one has been supplied, otherwise the error will be written to stderr.

T staticError(Args args)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
